Winter Ankle Injuries
As the cold temperatures approach, so does the ice and snow. Slip-and-fall injuries on icy surfaces are one of the leading causes of ankle injuries. Here at Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, P.C., we see an increase in these injuries as we move into winter. Ankle sprains and fractures typically occur from a twisting injury and can cause ligament tears/ruptures and broken bones. This leads to severe pain, bruising, swelling, and often the inability to walk without pain. Mild injuries can be managed with casting, offloading, or even bracing but more severe injuries may require the need for surgical intervention to restore your ankle to its proper alignment.
Our highly trained physicians will evaluate your injury and will work with you on a pathway to treatment that will not only alleviate your pain but will also correct the problem. We can also help you to prevent these injuries from returning in the future. We utilize state of the art facilities in six convenient locations and offer the latest services and technology including digital x-ray imaging. No matter the severity of the pain or the location of the injury in your foot or ankle, we are here to help.
We often have patients that have waited to seek treatment and as a result, their condition worsens. If you experience a twist of your ankle or slip on ice and show signs of sprain or fracture including swelling, bruising, pain, inability to bear weight on the injured limb, or hearing/feeling a popping sensation, call us. Ankle injuries require prompt treatment, so don’t wait to be seen, be sure to call the office immediately to make an appointment. Call 732-838-FEET (3338) today!